Source code for

import bisect
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from itertools import chain
import math
from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
import random

import numpy

# Non-Dominated Sorting   (NSGA-II)  #

[docs]def selNSGA2(individuals, k, nd='standard'): """Apply NSGA-II selection operator on the *individuals*. Usually, the size of *individuals* will be larger than *k* because any individual present in *individuals* will appear in the returned list at most once. Having the size of *individuals* equals to *k* will have no effect other than sorting the population according to their front rank. The list returned contains references to the input *individuals*. For more details on the NSGA-II operator see [Deb2002]_. :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from. :param k: The number of individuals to select. :param nd: Specify the non-dominated algorithm to use: 'standard' or 'log'. :returns: A list of selected individuals. .. [Deb2002] Deb, Pratab, Agarwal, and Meyarivan, "A fast elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization: NSGA-II", 2002. """ if nd == 'standard': pareto_fronts = sortNondominated(individuals, k) elif nd == 'log': pareto_fronts = sortLogNondominated(individuals, k) else: raise Exception('selNSGA2: The choice of non-dominated sorting ' 'method "{0}" is invalid.'.format(nd)) for front in pareto_fronts: assignCrowdingDist(front) chosen = list(chain(*pareto_fronts[:-1])) k = k - len(chosen) if k > 0: sorted_front = sorted(pareto_fronts[-1], key=attrgetter("fitness.crowding_dist"), reverse=True) chosen.extend(sorted_front[:k]) return chosen
[docs]def sortNondominated(individuals, k, first_front_only=False): """Sort the first *k* *individuals* into different nondomination levels using the "Fast Nondominated Sorting Approach" proposed by Deb et al., see [Deb2002]_. This algorithm has a time complexity of :math:`O(MN^2)`, where :math:`M` is the number of objectives and :math:`N` the number of individuals. :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from. :param k: The number of individuals to select. :param first_front_only: If :obj:`True` sort only the first front and exit. :returns: A list of Pareto fronts (lists), the first list includes nondominated individuals. .. [Deb2002] Deb, Pratab, Agarwal, and Meyarivan, "A fast elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm for multi-objective optimization: NSGA-II", 2002. """ if k == 0: return [] map_fit_ind = defaultdict(list) for ind in individuals: map_fit_ind[].append(ind) fits = list(map_fit_ind.keys()) current_front = [] next_front = [] dominating_fits = defaultdict(int) dominated_fits = defaultdict(list) # Rank first Pareto front for i, fit_i in enumerate(fits): for fit_j in fits[i + 1:]: if fit_i.dominates(fit_j): dominating_fits[fit_j] += 1 dominated_fits[fit_i].append(fit_j) elif fit_j.dominates(fit_i): dominating_fits[fit_i] += 1 dominated_fits[fit_j].append(fit_i) if dominating_fits[fit_i] == 0: current_front.append(fit_i) fronts = [[]] for fit in current_front: fronts[-1].extend(map_fit_ind[fit]) pareto_sorted = len(fronts[-1]) # Rank the next front until all individuals are sorted or # the given number of individual are sorted. if not first_front_only: N = min(len(individuals), k) while pareto_sorted < N: fronts.append([]) for fit_p in current_front: for fit_d in dominated_fits[fit_p]: dominating_fits[fit_d] -= 1 if dominating_fits[fit_d] == 0: next_front.append(fit_d) pareto_sorted += len(map_fit_ind[fit_d]) fronts[-1].extend(map_fit_ind[fit_d]) current_front = next_front next_front = [] return fronts
def assignCrowdingDist(individuals): """Assign a crowding distance to each individual's fitness. The crowding distance can be retrieve via the :attr:`crowding_dist` attribute of each individual's fitness. """ if len(individuals) == 0: return distances = [0.0] * len(individuals) crowd = [(, i) for i, ind in enumerate(individuals)] nobj = len(individuals[0].fitness.values) for i in range(nobj): crowd.sort(key=lambda element: element[0][i]) distances[crowd[0][1]] = float("inf") distances[crowd[-1][1]] = float("inf") if crowd[-1][0][i] == crowd[0][0][i]: continue norm = nobj * float(crowd[-1][0][i] - crowd[0][0][i]) for prev, cur, next in zip(crowd[:-2], crowd[1:-1], crowd[2:]): distances[cur[1]] += (next[0][i] - prev[0][i]) / norm for i, dist in enumerate(distances): individuals[i].fitness.crowding_dist = dist
[docs]def selTournamentDCD(individuals, k): """Tournament selection based on dominance (D) between two individuals, if the two individuals do not interdominate the selection is made based on crowding distance (CD). The *individuals* sequence length has to be a multiple of 4 only if k is equal to the length of individuals. Starting from the beginning of the selected individuals, two consecutive individuals will be different (assuming all individuals in the input list are unique). Each individual from the input list won't be selected more than twice. This selection requires the individuals to have a :attr:`crowding_dist` attribute, which can be set by the :func:`assignCrowdingDist` function. :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from. :param k: The number of individuals to select. Must be less than or equal to len(individuals). :returns: A list of selected individuals. """ if k > len(individuals): raise ValueError("selTournamentDCD: k must be less than or equal to individuals length") if k == len(individuals) and k % 4 != 0: raise ValueError("selTournamentDCD: k must be divisible by four if k == len(individuals)") def tourn(ind1, ind2): if return ind1 elif return ind2 if < return ind2 elif > return ind1 if random.random() <= 0.5: return ind1 return ind2 individuals_1 = random.sample(individuals, len(individuals)) individuals_2 = random.sample(individuals, len(individuals)) chosen = [] for i in range(0, k, 4): chosen.append(tourn(individuals_1[i], individuals_1[i + 1])) chosen.append(tourn(individuals_1[i + 2], individuals_1[i + 3])) chosen.append(tourn(individuals_2[i], individuals_2[i + 1])) chosen.append(tourn(individuals_2[i + 2], individuals_2[i + 3])) return chosen
####################################### # Generalized Reduced runtime ND sort # ####################################### def identity(obj): """Returns directly the argument *obj*. """ return obj def isDominated(wvalues1, wvalues2): """Returns whether or not *wvalues2* dominates *wvalues1*. :param wvalues1: The weighted fitness values that would be dominated. :param wvalues2: The weighted fitness values of the dominant. :returns: :obj:`True` if wvalues2 dominates wvalues1, :obj:`False` otherwise. """ not_equal = False for self_wvalue, other_wvalue in zip(wvalues1, wvalues2): if self_wvalue > other_wvalue: return False elif self_wvalue < other_wvalue: not_equal = True return not_equal def median(seq, key=identity): """Returns the median of *seq* - the numeric value separating the higher half of a sample from the lower half. If there is an even number of elements in *seq*, it returns the mean of the two middle values. """ sseq = sorted(seq, key=key) length = len(seq) if length % 2 == 1: return key(sseq[(length - 1) // 2]) else: return (key(sseq[(length - 1) // 2]) + key(sseq[length // 2])) / 2.0
[docs]def sortLogNondominated(individuals, k, first_front_only=False): """Sort *individuals* in pareto non-dominated fronts using the Generalized Reduced Run-Time Complexity Non-Dominated Sorting Algorithm presented by Fortin et al. (2013). :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from. :returns: A list of Pareto fronts (lists), with the first list being the true Pareto front. """ if k == 0: return [] # Separate individuals according to unique fitnesses unique_fits = defaultdict(list) for i, ind in enumerate(individuals): unique_fits[].append(ind) # Launch the sorting algorithm obj = len(individuals[0].fitness.wvalues) - 1 fitnesses = list(unique_fits.keys()) front = dict.fromkeys(fitnesses, 0) # Sort the fitnesses lexicographically. fitnesses.sort(reverse=True) sortNDHelperA(fitnesses, obj, front) # Extract individuals from front list here nbfronts = max(front.values()) + 1 pareto_fronts = [[] for i in range(nbfronts)] for fit in fitnesses: index = front[fit] pareto_fronts[index].extend(unique_fits[fit]) # Keep only the fronts required to have k individuals. if not first_front_only: count = 0 for i, front in enumerate(pareto_fronts): count += len(front) if count >= k: return pareto_fronts[:i + 1] return pareto_fronts else: return pareto_fronts[0]
def sortNDHelperA(fitnesses, obj, front): """Create a non-dominated sorting of S on the first M objectives""" if len(fitnesses) < 2: return elif len(fitnesses) == 2: # Only two individuals, compare them and adjust front number s1, s2 = fitnesses[0], fitnesses[1] if isDominated(s2[:obj + 1], s1[:obj + 1]): front[s2] = max(front[s2], front[s1] + 1) elif obj == 1: sweepA(fitnesses, front) elif len(frozenset(map(itemgetter(obj), fitnesses))) == 1: # All individuals for objective M are equal: go to objective M-1 sortNDHelperA(fitnesses, obj - 1, front) else: # More than two individuals, split list and then apply recursion best, worst = splitA(fitnesses, obj) sortNDHelperA(best, obj, front) sortNDHelperB(best, worst, obj - 1, front) sortNDHelperA(worst, obj, front) def splitA(fitnesses, obj): """Partition the set of fitnesses in two according to the median of the objective index *obj*. The values equal to the median are put in the set containing the least elements. """ median_ = median(fitnesses, itemgetter(obj)) best_a, worst_a = [], [] best_b, worst_b = [], [] for fit in fitnesses: if fit[obj] > median_: best_a.append(fit) best_b.append(fit) elif fit[obj] < median_: worst_a.append(fit) worst_b.append(fit) else: best_a.append(fit) worst_b.append(fit) balance_a = abs(len(best_a) - len(worst_a)) balance_b = abs(len(best_b) - len(worst_b)) if balance_a <= balance_b: return best_a, worst_a else: return best_b, worst_b def sweepA(fitnesses, front): """Update rank number associated to the fitnesses according to the first two objectives using a geometric sweep procedure. """ stairs = [-fitnesses[0][1]] fstairs = [fitnesses[0]] for fit in fitnesses[1:]: idx = bisect.bisect_right(stairs, -fit[1]) if 0 < idx <= len(stairs): fstair = max(fstairs[:idx], key=front.__getitem__) front[fit] = max(front[fit], front[fstair] + 1) for i, fstair in enumerate(fstairs[idx:], idx): if front[fstair] == front[fit]: del stairs[i] del fstairs[i] break stairs.insert(idx, -fit[1]) fstairs.insert(idx, fit) def sortNDHelperB(best, worst, obj, front): """Assign front numbers to the solutions in H according to the solutions in L. The solutions in L are assumed to have correct front numbers and the solutions in H are not compared with each other, as this is supposed to happen after sortNDHelperB is called.""" key = itemgetter(obj) if len(worst) == 0 or len(best) == 0: # One of the lists is empty: nothing to do return elif len(best) == 1 or len(worst) == 1: # One of the lists has one individual: compare directly for hi in worst: for li in best: if isDominated(hi[:obj + 1], li[:obj + 1]) or hi[:obj + 1] == li[:obj + 1]: front[hi] = max(front[hi], front[li] + 1) elif obj == 1: sweepB(best, worst, front) elif key(min(best, key=key)) >= key(max(worst, key=key)): # All individuals from L dominate H for objective M: # Also supports the case where every individuals in L and H # has the same value for the current objective # Skip to objective M-1 sortNDHelperB(best, worst, obj - 1, front) elif key(max(best, key=key)) >= key(min(worst, key=key)): best1, best2, worst1, worst2 = splitB(best, worst, obj) sortNDHelperB(best1, worst1, obj, front) sortNDHelperB(best1, worst2, obj - 1, front) sortNDHelperB(best2, worst2, obj, front) def splitB(best, worst, obj): """Split both best individual and worst sets of fitnesses according to the median of objective *obj* computed on the set containing the most elements. The values equal to the median are attributed so as to balance the four resulting sets as much as possible. """ median_ = median(best if len(best) > len(worst) else worst, itemgetter(obj)) best1_a, best2_a, best1_b, best2_b = [], [], [], [] for fit in best: if fit[obj] > median_: best1_a.append(fit) best1_b.append(fit) elif fit[obj] < median_: best2_a.append(fit) best2_b.append(fit) else: best1_a.append(fit) best2_b.append(fit) worst1_a, worst2_a, worst1_b, worst2_b = [], [], [], [] for fit in worst: if fit[obj] > median_: worst1_a.append(fit) worst1_b.append(fit) elif fit[obj] < median_: worst2_a.append(fit) worst2_b.append(fit) else: worst1_a.append(fit) worst2_b.append(fit) balance_a = abs(len(best1_a) - len(best2_a) + len(worst1_a) - len(worst2_a)) balance_b = abs(len(best1_b) - len(best2_b) + len(worst1_b) - len(worst2_b)) if balance_a <= balance_b: return best1_a, best2_a, worst1_a, worst2_a else: return best1_b, best2_b, worst1_b, worst2_b def sweepB(best, worst, front): """Adjust the rank number of the worst fitnesses according to the best fitnesses on the first two objectives using a sweep procedure. """ stairs, fstairs = [], [] iter_best = iter(best) next_best = next(iter_best, False) for h in worst: while next_best and h[:2] <= next_best[:2]: insert = True for i, fstair in enumerate(fstairs): if front[fstair] == front[next_best]: if fstair[1] > next_best[1]: insert = False else: del stairs[i], fstairs[i] break if insert: idx = bisect.bisect_right(stairs, -next_best[1]) stairs.insert(idx, -next_best[1]) fstairs.insert(idx, next_best) next_best = next(iter_best, False) idx = bisect.bisect_right(stairs, -h[1]) if 0 < idx <= len(stairs): fstair = max(fstairs[:idx], key=front.__getitem__) front[h] = max(front[h], front[fstair] + 1) ###################################### # Non-Dominated Sorting (NSGA-III) # ###################################### NSGA3Memory = namedtuple("NSGA3Memory", ["best_point", "worst_point", "extreme_points"])
[docs]class selNSGA3WithMemory(object): """Class version of NSGA-III selection including memory for best, worst and extreme points. Registering this operator in a toolbox is a bit different than classical operators, it requires to instantiate the class instead of just registering the function:: >>> from deap import base >>> ref_points = uniform_reference_points(nobj=3, p=12) >>> toolbox = base.Toolbox() >>> toolbox.register("select", selNSGA3WithMemory(ref_points)) """ def __init__(self, ref_points, nd="log"): self.ref_points = ref_points self.nd = nd self.best_point = numpy.full((1, ref_points.shape[1]), numpy.inf) self.worst_point = numpy.full((1, ref_points.shape[1]), -numpy.inf) self.extreme_points = None def __call__(self, individuals, k): chosen, memory = selNSGA3(individuals, k, self.ref_points, self.nd, self.best_point, self.worst_point, self.extreme_points, True) self.best_point = memory.best_point.reshape((1, -1)) self.worst_point = memory.worst_point.reshape((1, -1)) self.extreme_points = memory.extreme_points return chosen
[docs]def selNSGA3(individuals, k, ref_points, nd="log", best_point=None, worst_point=None, extreme_points=None, return_memory=False): """Implementation of NSGA-III selection as presented in [Deb2014]_. This implementation is partly based on `lmarti/nsgaiii <>`_. It departs slightly from the original implementation in that it does not use memory to keep track of ideal and extreme points. This choice has been made to fit the functional api of DEAP. For a version of NSGA-III see :class:``. :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from. :param k: The number of individuals to select. :param ref_points: Reference points to use for niching. :param nd: Specify the non-dominated algorithm to use: 'standard' or 'log'. :param best_point: Best point found at previous generation. If not provided find the best point only from current individuals. :param worst_point: Worst point found at previous generation. If not provided find the worst point only from current individuals. :param extreme_points: Extreme points found at previous generation. If not provided find the extreme points only from current individuals. :param return_memory: If :data:`True`, return the best, worst and extreme points in addition to the chosen individuals. :returns: A list of selected individuals. :returns: If `return_memory` is :data:`True`, a namedtuple with the `best_point`, `worst_point`, and `extreme_points`. You can generate the reference points using the :func:`uniform_reference_points` function:: >>> ref_points = tools.uniform_reference_points(nobj=3, p=12) # doctest: +SKIP >>> selected = selNSGA3(population, k, ref_points) # doctest: +SKIP .. [Deb2014] Deb, K., & Jain, H. (2014). An Evolutionary Many-Objective Optimization Algorithm Using Reference-Point-Based Nondominated Sorting Approach, Part I: Solving Problems With Box Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18(4), 577-601. doi:10.1109/TEVC.2013.2281535. """ if nd == "standard": pareto_fronts = sortNondominated(individuals, k) elif nd == "log": pareto_fronts = sortLogNondominated(individuals, k) else: raise Exception("selNSGA3: The choice of non-dominated sorting " "method '{0}' is invalid.".format(nd)) # Extract fitnesses as a numpy array in the nd-sort order # Use wvalues * -1 to tackle always as a minimization problem fitnesses = numpy.array([ for f in pareto_fronts for ind in f]) fitnesses *= -1 # Get best and worst point of population, contrary to pymoo # we don't use memory if best_point is not None and worst_point is not None: best_point = numpy.min(numpy.concatenate((fitnesses, best_point), axis=0), axis=0) worst_point = numpy.max(numpy.concatenate((fitnesses, worst_point), axis=0), axis=0) else: best_point = numpy.min(fitnesses, axis=0) worst_point = numpy.max(fitnesses, axis=0) extreme_points = find_extreme_points(fitnesses, best_point, extreme_points) front_worst = numpy.max(fitnesses[:sum(len(f) for f in pareto_fronts), :], axis=0) intercepts = find_intercepts(extreme_points, best_point, worst_point, front_worst) niches, dist = associate_to_niche(fitnesses, ref_points, best_point, intercepts) # Get counts per niche for individuals in all front but the last niche_counts = numpy.zeros(len(ref_points), dtype=numpy.int64) index, counts = numpy.unique(niches[:-len(pareto_fronts[-1])], return_counts=True) niche_counts[index] = counts # Choose individuals from all fronts but the last chosen = list(chain(*pareto_fronts[:-1])) # Use niching to select the remaining individuals sel_count = len(chosen) n = k - sel_count selected = niching(pareto_fronts[-1], n, niches[sel_count:], dist[sel_count:], niche_counts) chosen.extend(selected) if return_memory: return chosen, NSGA3Memory(best_point, worst_point, extreme_points) return chosen
def find_extreme_points(fitnesses, best_point, extreme_points=None): 'Finds the individuals with extreme values for each objective function.' # Keep track of last generation extreme points if extreme_points is not None: fitnesses = numpy.concatenate((fitnesses, extreme_points), axis=0) # Translate objectives ft = fitnesses - best_point # Find achievement scalarizing function (asf) asf = numpy.eye(best_point.shape[0]) asf[asf == 0] = 1e6 asf = numpy.max(ft * asf[:, numpy.newaxis, :], axis=2) # Extreme point are the fitnesses with minimal asf min_asf_idx = numpy.argmin(asf, axis=1) return fitnesses[min_asf_idx, :] def find_intercepts(extreme_points, best_point, current_worst, front_worst): """Find intercepts between the hyperplane and each axis with the ideal point as origin.""" # Construct hyperplane sum(f_i^n) = 1 b = numpy.ones(extreme_points.shape[1]) A = extreme_points - best_point try: x = numpy.linalg.solve(A, b) except numpy.linalg.LinAlgError: intercepts = current_worst else: if numpy.count_nonzero(x) != len(x): intercepts = front_worst else: intercepts = 1 / x if (not numpy.allclose(, x), b) or numpy.any(intercepts <= 1e-6) or numpy.any((intercepts + best_point) > current_worst)): intercepts = front_worst return intercepts def associate_to_niche(fitnesses, reference_points, best_point, intercepts): """Associates individuals to reference points and calculates niche number. Corresponds to Algorithm 3 of Deb & Jain (2014).""" # Normalize by ideal point and intercepts fn = (fitnesses - best_point) / (intercepts - best_point + numpy.finfo(float).eps) # Create distance matrix fn = numpy.repeat(numpy.expand_dims(fn, axis=1), len(reference_points), axis=1) norm = numpy.linalg.norm(reference_points, axis=1) distances = numpy.sum(fn * reference_points, axis=2) / norm.reshape(1, -1) distances = distances[:, :, numpy.newaxis] * reference_points[numpy.newaxis, :, :] / norm[numpy.newaxis, :, numpy.newaxis] distances = numpy.linalg.norm(distances - fn, axis=2) # Retrieve min distance niche index niches = numpy.argmin(distances, axis=1) distances = distances[list(range(niches.shape[0])), niches] return niches, distances def niching(individuals, k, niches, distances, niche_counts): selected = [] available = numpy.ones(len(individuals), dtype=bool) while len(selected) < k: # Maximum number of individuals (niches) to select in that round n = k - len(selected) # Find the available niches and the minimum niche count in them available_niches = numpy.zeros(len(niche_counts), dtype=bool) available_niches[numpy.unique(niches[available])] = True min_count = numpy.min(niche_counts[available_niches]) # Select at most n niches with the minimum count selected_niches = numpy.flatnonzero(numpy.logical_and(available_niches, niche_counts == min_count)) numpy.random.shuffle(selected_niches) selected_niches = selected_niches[:n] for niche in selected_niches: # Select from available individuals in niche niche_individuals = numpy.flatnonzero(numpy.logical_and(niches == niche, available)) numpy.random.shuffle(niche_individuals) # If no individual in that niche, select the closest to reference # Else select randomly if niche_counts[niche] == 0: sel_index = niche_individuals[numpy.argmin(distances[niche_individuals])] else: sel_index = niche_individuals[0] # Update availability, counts and selection available[sel_index] = False niche_counts[niche] += 1 selected.append(individuals[sel_index]) return selected
[docs]def uniform_reference_points(nobj, p=4, scaling=None): """Generate reference points uniformly on the hyperplane intersecting each axis at 1. The scaling factor is used to combine multiple layers of reference points. """ def gen_refs_recursive(ref, nobj, left, total, depth): points = [] if depth == nobj - 1: ref[depth] = left / total points.append(ref) else: for i in range(left + 1): ref[depth] = i / total points.extend(gen_refs_recursive(ref.copy(), nobj, left - i, total, depth + 1)) return points ref_points = numpy.array(gen_refs_recursive(numpy.zeros(nobj), nobj, p, p, 0)) if scaling is not None: ref_points *= scaling ref_points += (1 - scaling) / nobj return ref_points
###################################### # Strength Pareto (SPEA-II) # ######################################
[docs]def selSPEA2(individuals, k): """Apply SPEA-II selection operator on the *individuals*. Usually, the size of *individuals* will be larger than *n* because any individual present in *individuals* will appear in the returned list at most once. Having the size of *individuals* equals to *n* will have no effect other than sorting the population according to a strength Pareto scheme. The list returned contains references to the input *individuals*. For more details on the SPEA-II operator see [Zitzler2001]_. :param individuals: A list of individuals to select from. :param k: The number of individuals to select. :returns: A list of selected individuals. .. [Zitzler2001] Zitzler, Laumanns and Thiele, "SPEA 2: Improving the strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm", 2001. """ N = len(individuals) L = len(individuals[0].fitness.values) K = math.sqrt(N) strength_fits = [0] * N fits = [0] * N dominating_inds = [list() for i in range(N)] for i, ind_i in enumerate(individuals): for j, ind_j in enumerate(individuals[i + 1:], i + 1): if strength_fits[i] += 1 dominating_inds[j].append(i) elif strength_fits[j] += 1 dominating_inds[i].append(j) for i in range(N): for j in dominating_inds[i]: fits[i] += strength_fits[j] # Choose all non-dominated individuals chosen_indices = [i for i in range(N) if fits[i] < 1] if len(chosen_indices) < k: # The archive is too small for i in range(N): distances = [0.0] * N for j in range(i + 1, N): dist = 0.0 for k in range(L): val = individuals[i].fitness.values[k] - \ individuals[j].fitness.values[k] dist += val * val distances[j] = dist kth_dist = _randomizedSelect(distances, 0, N - 1, K) density = 1.0 / (kth_dist + 2.0) fits[i] += density next_indices = [(fits[i], i) for i in range(N) if i not in chosen_indices] next_indices.sort() # print next_indices chosen_indices += [i for _, i in next_indices[:k - len(chosen_indices)]] elif len(chosen_indices) > k: # The archive is too large N = len(chosen_indices) distances = [[0.0] * N for i in range(N)] sorted_indices = [[0] * N for i in range(N)] for i in range(N): for j in range(i + 1, N): dist = 0.0 for k in range(L): val = individuals[chosen_indices[i]].fitness.values[k] - \ individuals[chosen_indices[j]].fitness.values[k] dist += val * val distances[i][j] = dist distances[j][i] = dist distances[i][i] = -1 # Insert sort is faster than quick sort for short arrays for i in range(N): for j in range(1, N): k = j while k > 0 and distances[i][j] < distances[i][sorted_indices[i][k - 1]]: sorted_indices[i][k] = sorted_indices[i][k - 1] k -= 1 sorted_indices[i][k] = j size = N to_remove = [] while size > k: # Search for minimal distance min_pos = 0 for i in range(1, N): for j in range(1, size): dist_i_sorted_j = distances[i][sorted_indices[i][j]] dist_min_sorted_j = distances[min_pos][sorted_indices[min_pos][j]] if dist_i_sorted_j < dist_min_sorted_j: min_pos = i break elif dist_i_sorted_j > dist_min_sorted_j: break # Remove minimal distance from sorted_indices for i in range(N): distances[i][min_pos] = float("inf") distances[min_pos][i] = float("inf") for j in range(1, size - 1): if sorted_indices[i][j] == min_pos: sorted_indices[i][j] = sorted_indices[i][j + 1] sorted_indices[i][j + 1] = min_pos # Remove corresponding individual from chosen_indices to_remove.append(min_pos) size -= 1 for index in reversed(sorted(to_remove)): del chosen_indices[index] return [individuals[i] for i in chosen_indices]
def _randomizedSelect(array, begin, end, i): """Allows to select the ith smallest element from array without sorting it. Runtime is expected to be O(n). """ if begin == end: return array[begin] q = _randomizedPartition(array, begin, end) k = q - begin + 1 if i < k: return _randomizedSelect(array, begin, q, i) else: return _randomizedSelect(array, q + 1, end, i - k) def _randomizedPartition(array, begin, end): i = random.randint(begin, end) array[begin], array[i] = array[i], array[begin] return _partition(array, begin, end) def _partition(array, begin, end): x = array[begin] i = begin - 1 j = end + 1 while True: j -= 1 while array[j] > x: j -= 1 i += 1 while array[i] < x: i += 1 if i < j: array[i], array[j] = array[j], array[i] else: return j __all__ = ['selNSGA2', 'selNSGA3', 'selNSGA3WithMemory', 'selSPEA2', 'sortNondominated', 'sortLogNondominated', 'selTournamentDCD', 'uniform_reference_points']